Etsy Tuesdays: Sunkissed

I just love the glint of sunlight in this treasury - so summery!

Favorite Find: The absolutely stunning Pilbara Jasper silver ring by MarKhed.

Etsy Tuesdays: A Day in Paris

A beautifully collected treasury with tons of French cafe flavor, non?

♥Favorite Find: The adorable "Oui" earrings by ChYMieRa!

Hi! My name is Rachel, and I'm addicted to...

...these chub-a-licious plants called succulents.

They're pretty damn cute, and I like to lightly squish their plump leaves between my fingers.

It all started at my college's annual plant sale last month when my mom and I dropped in to look for lonely vegetable plants to adopt. Then I spotted the succulent table and the delightful "Mrs. Giuseppe" variety of Sempervium (aka hens and chicks) caught my eye...

How could you resist a cluster of squeezable flora that looks like mutant rose-cabbages?
Bonus points for the itsy-bitsy clover with heart-shaped leaves.

About twenty minutes and three whole dollars later, I had myself a plant with some serious wow-factor and hopefully something I couldn't kill with my somewhat "black thumb".

A week, some more dollars, and a bit of burning-the-midnight-oil-research later, I had myself a small army of budding succulents... and a problem. Where the heck to put them?

Poor, homeless little chubbies...

Solution: succulent dish garden! Detailed instructions after the jump...

A weekly dose of Etsy? Yes, please!

It's no secret that I'm crazy about all things Etsy.

It's like a nerdy, crafty, vintage wonderland, and I could easily spend an entire day browsing and feeling utterly inspired to go make something!

Yesterday I thought to myself, "Why not spread the love?"

So without further ado, let me introduce ya'll to "Etsy Tuesdays" - where I'll handpick one of my favorite front-page treasuries of the week to share!

Here's a juicy, sunny pick-me-up for those of you also experiencing dreary, un-springlike weather!

♥Favorite item:
Those yellow chalcedony earrings by GlitzGlitter - I'm craving lemon candy already!


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