A love letter.

Dear Cardamom,

You make me weak in the knees. One whiff of your spicy goodness sends me straight to a land of Christmas cheer filled with mouth-watering images of my mother's famous pfeffernusse cookies. YUM.

Basically? You rock my world.

Thanks for giving me an early taste of the holidays. Keep up the good work!

Your most loyal devotee,


I wish there could be Smell-o-Vision for this.

Trust me. Make this for yourself and someone special.

Dollop a bit of whipped cream and drizzle some caramel sauce on top, and feel (and smell!) the love.

Hello world. Rachel here.

Here I am world, about to begin this new adventure in cyberspace, and I hope you all will stop in from time to time and follow this humble college girl's journey in this exciting game called "life"!

I can’t wait to start sharing my recipes, life musings, projects, and photography with you all!

Welcome to my blog! =D

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